Rashid Nezhmetdinov

After reading three of the games, I can say I find this guy even more accessible than Jeremy Silman for instance, just to give an idea how great this book is for the club player.

Three games, all with Black and ending in mate. For instance:
Nezhmetdinov vs Kosolopov 1936

No winning endgame mularkey here!

The notes are fantastic and geared to to the club player. He even explains openings fundamental variations/ideas, and would have been a superb high-school chess coach for example.

He points out, for example, that he had a forced mate as early as move 20 with 20..Qxh2+ queen sac instead of 20…Nh5, and that he had a quicker win by playing 14..Rh6 instead if White plays 15.Qb3+, 16.Qxb7.

This trap is sick
Rashid Gibiatovich Nezhmetdinov vs Alexander Ivanovich Konstantinov

Rashid points out that 10..Bc3+? also fails to 11.cxB Qxc+, 12.Qd2 QxRa1, 13.c3 d4, 14.cxd (14…Qxd4?? Bb5+) 14…Nf5, 15. Nb5 0-0, 16.0-0 a6, 16.Nc3 trapping the queen (18.Bb2). I mean, do most books go out of the way to point out other win in 8 type moves? This was pre-computer era. I mean, it’s in his own words these variations, and this was before the personal computer era!

11 thoughts on “Rashid Nezhmetdinov

  1. Hey Linux Guy!

    Man I would love to get that book but it is super expensive!! I might have to scour the library.

    Wow! But I would love to get my hands on a copy!

    I am currently enjoying Taimanov’s game collection!

  2. That book is definitely expensive on Amazon.
    I left a comment from the previous month.
    That was a beautiful mating net in the first game.

  3. Hi Paul, I got your comment. Riga variation, I’ll look at those articles. I don’t have the Open Defense in the Ruy worked out at all, really, so maybe there is something there. I’ll look at this again.

    I dug up your reply and will post a link to it here so that it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle of old posts:

    “Only Move” mate

    This Riga variation looks like a great choice for G/90, just to confuse people out of their ratings points, if nothing else. I’ll look at it more closely when I get a chance but it deserves it’s own post. I’ll look at it as soon as I can, the posts are very interesting.

    I wanted to make the comment that I don’t understand why Anand made all of these attacking moves and didn’t merely try to draw as Black; Anand had/has an extra game as White going forward. I didn’t like his propensity to move his pawns in front of his king in this game and one other game, and the queen trade looked weird.

  4. WOW! Could Gelfand pull the upset here?

    The little bit of live feed I have watched, Anand looks uncomfortable in his chair. Seriously! He seems to be fidgety.

    I will keep looking at for Nezh book!

    Oh and I am trying to take your words to heart Linuxguy! I am doing my best not to “play pattycake” when I have an attacking position. 🙂

  5. Thanks, TommyG!! 🙂

    I just finished those Stoyko exercises then commented on Farbrors blog again.

    When I saw the 1-0 score, I knew that Gelfand must have played ..Qf6, as he did in the game, and then get his queen trapped somehow. I was thinking Qf4, but Qf2 was even better because it cuts of …Qg1 retreat as well as retreats along g2 and f3, but couldn’t Boris have continued playing on with …Nc6!? threatening Nd4+ and then Black’s queen has a retreat on f3, even if it means a …Nd4xBe2 move.

    This seemed to be a game of depth. Was Boris not calculating deeply enough? …Ng7 was the natural way to avoid this combo.

    Wow, I was right, hehe (Fruit says its around -.5, but Houdini is -1.48 according to the pgn notes, which I don’t understand, nor quite believe) I would expect quite a few club players whom I regularly face to find 17..Nc6, though. hmm. It’s interesting that even in the pressbox they threw out ..Na6, a3, not suggesting ..Nc6 but instead getting the video of Boris reaction and resignation. This is why clock-time is so valuable in chess, it’s best when used. 😉

    One other thing I messed up on in this position. When I saw …Nc6, I saw the idea that the knight check on d4 moves the king off the rook, but I should prioritize explicitly and say that if he moves the Rd1, then a Be2 idea won’t work, and in fact it’s no longer an idea it’s just a move by then. IOW, the idea is the priority continuation. I sensed it this way, but when I tried to write this down, I confused myself. So, I need to remember that the idea is the priority, the leading continuation, and what follows that are mostly just move possibilities after the idea has been exhausted/played out. So that even a ..RxBe2+ “idea” is not the idea, it’s another idea which can lose. The main idea is that Nd4+ undefends the Rb1, and defends f3.

    Wow, Boris was looking at Qf4 like I was and also missed Qf2. We were both seeing the same thing. hehe. 🙂 Anand, too! He went from Qf4 to seeing Qf2. nice.

  6. That first game looks very relevant to what happened today. I remember one one that case, when Karpov missed a sac on h7:

    Too bad, I support Gelfand. Russian commentators say that it was too much for him, that win in game 7, though I think no one should believe that old wolf Anand will just give up after one loss, we can remember his loss to Topalov in the first game and how it all ended.

  7. Anand looks quite nervous. Gelfand loses the game, stops the clocks and looks all laid-back but vulnerable, a gracious loser. Plus, Gelfand is the underdog, so I like Gelfand now! 😀

    TommyG, my 19 year old chess friend Alex has taught me how to be confident at the board. When he makes a good move he lets out this sound like he has just thrown a giant-boulder. It’s kind of funny, we make our moves against one-another with embellishing flourishes when we think it is a good move. A chess-player needs confidence because we need to be thinking we could win a piece down and such! 😉

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